Saturday, 2 February 2013

Lowpass, Baseband, narrowband and broadband, inband, outband, passband, bandpass, husband :)

What is a band?

In telecommunication terms band is also called frequency band. It’s a specific range of frequencies in the radio frequency (RF) spectrum. Each frequency band is defined by the start frequency and end frequency or upper frequency and lower frequency.

What is broadband?

In which multiple frequencies or channels are available on a wide band to transmit information. Because of this characteristics, information can be multiplexed and send on many different frequencies/channels with the wide band simultaneously allowing more information to e transmitted in a given amount of time. It covers bandwidths above 256Kbps.

What is narrowband?

Narrowband is used to carry voice. The band is just wide enough to carry voice traffic. The bandwidth is up to 64Kbps.

What is baseband?

The original band of frequencies before the signal is modulated and transmitted on higher frequencies. The baseband is also referred to as low-pass or non-modulated signal.

What is lowpass?

See baseband above.

What is inband?

If something is transmitted with the same frequency band as the original signal. Like if the voice and signalling is transmitted on the same frequency band is it called inband.

What is outband or out of band?

If something is transmitted with a different frequency band as the original signal. Like if the voice and signalling is transmitted on a different frequency band is it called out of band.

What is passband?

A passband is the range of frequencies or wavelengths that can pass through a filter without being attenuated.

What is bandpass?

A band-pass filter is a device that passes frequencies within a certain range and rejects (attenuates) frequencies outside that range.

What is husband?

Well ! you can guess this now :).

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