Thursday, 7 October 2010

Iterating over collection variables [PL/SQL]


These are cook book recipes that show, for each of the three collection types, how to iterate over their elements.

Nested tables

declare   type table_varchar  is table of varchar2(10);    var_table_varchar  table_varchar; begin   var_table_varchar  := table_varchar('one', 'two', 'three', 'four');    for elem in 1 .. var_table_varchar.count loop     dbms_output.put_line(elem || ': ' || var_table_varchar(elem));   end loop; end; / 
1: one 2: two 3: three 4: four 

Index by tables

declare   type assoc_varchar  is table of varchar2(10) index by pls_integer;    var_assoc_varchar  assoc_varchar;    elem varchar2(10); begin   var_assoc_varchar(40) := 'forty';   var_assoc_varchar(10) := 'ten';   var_assoc_varchar(30) := 'thirty';   var_assoc_varchar(20) := 'twenty';    elem := var_assoc_varchar.first;   while elem is not null loop     dbms_output.put_line(elem || ': ' || var_assoc_varchar(elem));     elem :=;   end loop; end; / 
10: ten 20: twenty 30: thirty 40: forty 


declare   type varray_varchar is varying array(20) of varchar2(10);    var_varray_varchar varray_varchar; begin   var_varray_varchar  := varray_varchar('un', 'deux', 'trois', 'quattre');    for elem in 1 .. var_varray_varchar.count loop     dbms_output.put_line(elem || ': ' || var_varray_varchar(elem));   end loop; end; / 
1: un 2: deux 3: trois 4: quattre 

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