Monday, 25 October 2010
Oracle MetaData...
More about it on :
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Latex on Ubuntu....
This guide explains how to install LaTeX in Ubuntu Linux. LaTeX is a document preparation system for high-quality typesetting. It is most often used for medium-to-large technical or scientific documents but it can be used for almost any form of publishing.
LaTeX is not a word processor! Instead, LaTeX encourages authors not to worry too much about the appearance of their documents but to concentrate on getting the right content.
How to install LaTeX in Ubuntu
In Ubuntu Linux, you have to first install LaTeX to use it. This is how LaTeX is installed in Ubuntu.
$ sudo apt-get install texlive
The above command will install a basic subset of TeX Live’s functionality. To install all the packages in the LaTeX distribution, you have to run the following command.
$ sudo apt-get install texlive-full
Gedit LaTeX Plugin
Gedit has a plugin for LaTeX which converts Gedit into a LaTeX editor. You can install the Gedit LaTeX plugin as follows :
$ sudo apt-get install gedit-latex-plugin
Once you install the plug-in, you will have to enable the plug-in in Gedit to begin using it. This is achieved by opening Gedit Preferences (GEdit > Edit > Preferences
). Then clicking on the Plugins tab and turning on the “Gedit LaTeX plugin”. Now when ever you open a TeX file, you will have access to the LaTeX menu in Gedit.
Recommended LaTeX Packages
– Beamer package is used to create presentations. It is an excellent LaTeX class that supports dynamic effects.TeXPower
– Is a bundle of style and class files for creating dynamic online presentations with LaTeX.Prosper
– A LaTeX class for writing transparencies.texlive-pictures
– This is a LaTeX package for drawing graphics. It contain several classes such as ‘curve’ (for creating resumes), ‘bardiag’ (for bar graphs), ‘pmgraph’ (poor man’s graphics) and so on.texlive-latex-extra
– This is a large collection of addon packages for LaTeX. The full list of classes in this package are listed here.
This is the full command I used to install LaTeX on my machine running Ubuntu Linux.
$ sudo apt-get install gedit-latex-plugin texlive-fonts-recommended latex-beamer texpower texlive-pictures texlive-latex-extra texpower-examples imagemagick
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Dealing with LOB in Oracle
SQL> CREATE TABLE myClobTable (id NUMBER,clob_data CLOB);
Table created.
SQL> CREATE TABLE myLongTable (id NUMBER,long_data LONG);
Table created.
SQL> INSERT INTO myLongTable VALUES (100,RPAD('A',200000,'A'));
1 row created.
SQL> update myClobTable set clob_data =(select to_lob(long_data)from
2 myLongTable where id =100)
SQL> drop table myLongTable;
Table dropped.
SQL> drop table myClobTable;
Table dropped.
Friday, 8 October 2010
Apache JMeter...
Java Performance Tuning Using Hprof...
Link :
Using the HPROF ProfilerHPROF is a demonstration profiler shipped with the IBM® SDK that uses the JVMTI to collect and record information about Java execution. Use it to work out which parts of a program are using the most memory or processor time.
java -Xrunhprof[:
When you run Java with HPROF, a file is created when the program ends. This file is placed in the current working directory and is called java.hprof.txt (java.hprof if binary format is used) unless a different file name has been given. This file contains a number of different sections, but the exact format and content depend on the selected options.
If you need more information about HPROF than is contained in this section, see
The command java -Xrunhprof:help shows the options available:
- heap=dump|sites|all
- This option helps in the analysis of memory usage. It tells HPROF to generate stack traces, from which you can see where memory was allocated. If you use the heap=dump option, you get a dump of all live objects in the heap. With heap=sites, you get a sorted list of sites with the most heavily allocated objects at the top. The default value all gives both types of output.
- cpu=samples|times|old
- The cpu option provides information that is useful in determining where the processor spends most of its time. If cpu is set to samples, the JVM pauses execution and identifies which method call is active. If the sampling rate is high enough, you get a good picture of where your program spends most of its time. If cpu is set to time, you receive precise measurements of how many times each method was called and how long each execution took. Although this option is more accurate, it slows down the program. If cpu is set to old, the profiling data is produced in the old HPROF format.
- interval=y|n
- The interval option applies only to cpu=samples and controls the time that the sampling thread sleeps between samples of the thread stacks.
- monitor=y|n
- The monitor option can help you understand how synchronization affects the performance of your application. Monitors implement thread synchronization. Getting information about monitors can tell you how much time different threads are spending when trying to access resources that are already locked. HPROF also gives you a snapshot of the monitors in use. This information is useful for detecting deadlocks.
- format=a|b
- The default for the output file is ASCII format. Set format to 'b' if you want to specify a binary format, which is required for some utilities like the Heap Analysis Tool.
- file=
- Use the file option to change the name of the output file. The default name for an ASCII file is java.hprof.txt. The default name for a binary file is java.hprof.
- force=y|n
- Typically, the default (force=y) overwrites any existing information in the output file. So, if you have multiple JVMs running with HPROF enabled, use force=n, which appends additional characters to the output file name as needed.
- net=
: - To send the output over the network rather than to a local file, use the net option.
- depth=
- The depth option indicates the number of method frames to display in a stack trace. The default is 4.
- thread=y|n
- If you set the thread option to y, the thread id is printed beside each trace. This option is useful if you cannot see which thread is associated with which trace. This type of problem might occur in a multi-threaded application.
- doe=y|n
- The default behavior is to collect profile information when an application exits. To collect the profiling data during execution, set doe (dump on exit) to n.
- msa=y|n
- The msa option applies only to Solaris and causes the Solaris Micro State Accounting to be used. This feature is unsupported on IBM SDK platforms.
- cutoff=
- Many sample entries are produced for a small percentage of the total execution time. By default, HPROF includes all execution paths that represent at least 0.0001 percent of the time spent by the processor. You can increase or decrease that cutoff point using this option. For example, to eliminate all entries that represent less than one-fourth of one percent of the total execution time, you specify cutoff=0.0025.
- verbose=y|n
- This option generates a message when dumps are taken. The default is y.
- lineno=y|n
- Each frame typically includes the line number that was processed, but you can use this option to suppress the line numbers from the output listing. If enabled, each frame contains the text Unknown line instead of the line number.
TRACE 1056: java/util/Locale.toUpperCase( line) java/util/Locale.
( line) java/util/Locale. ( line) sun/io/CharacterEncoding.aliasName( line)
- Explanation of the HPROF output file
The top of the file contains general header information such as an explanation of the options, copyright, and disclaimers. A summary of each thread follows.
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Iterating over collection variables [PL/SQL]
Nested tables
declare type table_varchar is table of varchar2(10); var_table_varchar table_varchar; begin var_table_varchar := table_varchar('one', 'two', 'three', 'four'); for elem in 1 .. var_table_varchar.count loop dbms_output.put_line(elem || ': ' || var_table_varchar(elem)); end loop; end; /
1: one 2: two 3: three 4: four
Index by tables
declare type assoc_varchar is table of varchar2(10) index by pls_integer; var_assoc_varchar assoc_varchar; elem varchar2(10); begin var_assoc_varchar(40) := 'forty'; var_assoc_varchar(10) := 'ten'; var_assoc_varchar(30) := 'thirty'; var_assoc_varchar(20) := 'twenty'; elem := var_assoc_varchar.first; while elem is not null loop dbms_output.put_line(elem || ': ' || var_assoc_varchar(elem)); elem :=; end loop; end; /
10: ten 20: twenty 30: thirty 40: forty
declare type varray_varchar is varying array(20) of varchar2(10); var_varray_varchar varray_varchar; begin var_varray_varchar := varray_varchar('un', 'deux', 'trois', 'quattre'); for elem in 1 .. var_varray_varchar.count loop dbms_output.put_line(elem || ': ' || var_varray_varchar(elem)); end loop; end; /
1: un 2: deux 3: trois 4: quattre
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
WITH Clause Oracle
More in with :
SQL Function Reference: Oracle vs. SQL Server
*same for both databases
Math Functions | ||
Function | Oracle | SQL Server |
Absolute value | ABS | ABS |
Arc cosine | ACOS | ACOS |
Arc sine | ASIN | ASIN |
Arc tangent of n | ATAN | ATAN |
Arc tangent of n and m | ATAN2 | ATN2 |
Smallest integer >= value | CEIL | CEILING |
Cosine | COS | COS |
Hyperbolic cosine | COSH | COT |
Exponential value | EXP | EXP |
Round down to nearest integer | FLOOR | FLOOR |
Natural logarithm | LN | LOG |
Logarithm, any base | LOG(N) | N/A |
Logarithm, base 10 | LOG(10) | LOG10 |
Modulus (remainder) | MOD | USE MODULO (%) OPERATOR |
Power | POWER | POWER |
Random number | N/A | RAND |
Round | ROUND | ROUND |
Sign of number | SIGN | SIGN |
Sine | SIN | SIN |
Hyperbolic sine | SINH | N/A |
Square root | SQRT | SQRT |
Tangent | TAN | TAN |
Hyperbolic tangent | TANH | N/A |
Truncate | TRUNC | N/A |
Highest number in list | GREATEST | N/A |
Lowest number in list | LEAST | N/A |
Convert number if NULL | NVL | ISNULL |
Standard deviation | STDDEV | STDEV |
Variance | VARIANCE | VAR |
String Functions | ||
Function | Oracle | SQL Server |
Convert character to ASCII | ASCII | ASCII |
String concatenate | CONCAT | (expression + expression) |
Convert ASCII to character | CHR | CHAR |
Return starting point of character in character string (from left) | INSTR | CHARINDEX |
Convert characters to lowercase | LOWER | LOWER |
Convert characters to uppercase | UPPER | UPPER |
Pad left side of character string | LPAD | N/A |
Remove leading blank spaces | LTRIM | LTRIM |
Remove trailing blank spaces | RTRIM | RTRIM |
Starting point of pattern in character string | INSTR | PATINDEX |
Repeat character string multiple times | RPAD | REPLICATE |
Phonetic representation of character string | SOUNDEX | SOUNDEX |
String of repeated spaces | RPAD | SPACE |
Character data converted from numeric data | TO_CHAR | STR |
Substring | SUBSTR | SUBSTRING |
Replace characters | REPLACE | STUFF |
Capitalize first letter of each word in string | INITCAP | N/A |
Translate character string | TRANSLATE | N/A |
Length of character string | LENGTH | DATALENGTH or LEN |
Greatest character string in list | GREATEST | N/A |
Least character string in list | LEAST | N/A |
Convert string if NULL | NVL | ISNULL |
Date Functions | ||
Function | Oracle | SQL Server |
Date addition | (use +) | DATEADD |
Date subtraction | (use -) | DATEDIFF |
Last day of month | LAST_DAY | N/A |
Time zone conversion | NEW_TIME | N/A |
First weekday after date | NEXT_DAY | N/A |
Convert date to string | TO_CHAR | DATENAME |
Convert date to number | TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR()) | DATEPART |
Convert string to date | TO_DATE | CAST |
Get current date and time | SYSDATE | GETDATE() |
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
dumprep.exe 100% CPU...
dumprep.exe is (or should be) a legitimate Microsoft program, one that runs when a program has a critical error and cannot be restored.
Process File: dumprep or dumprep.exe
Process Name: Dump Reporting Tool
Description: Microsoft provided Windows Error Dump Reporting Tool that creates memory dump reports that you can send back to Microsoft for further analysis.
The tool is found on Windows XP/2003.
To fix this problem simply turn off your systems "error reporting".
First check with Task Manager if dumprep.exe is running - if it is stop the process.
Start > Control Panel > System > Advanced > Error Reporting > select "Disable error reporting"
Problem solvered :)
Using Handlebar Prompt in Semantic Kernal
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