Wednesday, 4 September 2013

New Business Models using Software Defined Mobile Networks

Software Defined Mobile Networks (SDMN), will play a very important role for network operators to overcome the challenges they face from the growing OTT market players. In-fact SDMN will change the way we do business and introduce heaps of new business models. I will be presenting one of the SDMN business models during my talk at National Institute of Informatics (NII), Tokyo Japan today. This model will address the question: How can every interested OTT market player (for instance Skype, Viber, Facebook, Google etc.) can provide personalised/configurable/programmable QoS from each of its customer from the LTE eNode-B throughout the IP Core and beyond?

Azure OpenAI Architecture Patterns & Deployment Patterns

Sharing some useful links that will help customers architect Azure OpenAI solution using the best practices: (1) Azure OpenAI Landing Zone r...